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Liana Finck

Liana Finck is a cartoonist and an illustrator who has contributed to The New Yorker since 2015. Her most recent book is “Let There Be Light: The Real Story of Her Creation.”

New Brands Just Dropped!

Keep an eye out for Dypa (“The more expensive diaper!”) and Lern, which will definitely make you fluent in Spanish.

The Alphabet, “by” Kafka

“A” is for singing in an empty room. “C” is for toiling without end.

Dear Pepper: Answers to a Prompt on Promptness

Some thoughts from readers on how early to be early, and how late to be late.

Dear Pepper: How the Cookie Crumbles

A not-so-sweet dilemma.

Dear Pepper: Avert Your Eyes

You can’t make eye contact when you feel that the world is coming at you through a fire hose.

Dear Pepper: An Invitation Situation

Often I’ll have a good time at a party. I️ rarely know whether the good time was worth it. Can you help?

The Great Masking Cycle

People might think you’re selfish, so you wear a mask, meaning people might think you’re a zealot, so you don’t wear a mask, meaning people might think you’re selfish, so you wear a mask, meaning . . .

Types of Veiled Criticism

Ah, well, we can’t all be “intellectuals.”

Dear Pepper: Party Foul

Do I️ really need to go to every gathering that my aunt and uncle host?

Dear Pepper: A Vacation-Rental Room of One’s Own

I️ need my privacy. I️ need my space, and I️ need my solo time.

Dear Pepper: City Dog, Country Dog

Poppins was neurotic and trembly and often peed on the floor in a “please don’t hurt me” kind of way.

Dear Pepper: A House Divided

The unfairness is killing me.

Daily Cartoon: Monday, July 18th

Drastic times call for drastic measures.

Parenting Advice I Was Given and Didn’t Take

And some advice I can’t resist giving you (that will not be particularly useful to you).

Rebellion of the Speech Bubble!

The humble dialogue marker breaks out of its shell.

Dear Pepper: A Matter of Time

My question is not exactly “How do we strike a compromise?” The question is more “How do I get my husband to admit that he is late all the time?”

The Optimist and Friends

Is the glass half full or half empty? Why is it upside down?

Dear Pepper: Scheduling Slackers and Overachievers

What you need is to be a little more selfish and a little less aware.

Dear Pepper: Sweet Little Lies

I️ find lying to be an excellent and effective way to get what I️ need. But is there anything wrong with this?

Instead of a Dog, We Got Puck

A cartoonist adopts a pandemic pet—but who’s saving whom?

New Brands Just Dropped!

Keep an eye out for Dypa (“The more expensive diaper!”) and Lern, which will definitely make you fluent in Spanish.

The Alphabet, “by” Kafka

“A” is for singing in an empty room. “C” is for toiling without end.

Dear Pepper: Answers to a Prompt on Promptness

Some thoughts from readers on how early to be early, and how late to be late.

Dear Pepper: How the Cookie Crumbles

A not-so-sweet dilemma.

Dear Pepper: Avert Your Eyes

You can’t make eye contact when you feel that the world is coming at you through a fire hose.

Dear Pepper: An Invitation Situation

Often I’ll have a good time at a party. I️ rarely know whether the good time was worth it. Can you help?

The Great Masking Cycle

People might think you’re selfish, so you wear a mask, meaning people might think you’re a zealot, so you don’t wear a mask, meaning people might think you’re selfish, so you wear a mask, meaning . . .

Types of Veiled Criticism

Ah, well, we can’t all be “intellectuals.”

Dear Pepper: Party Foul

Do I️ really need to go to every gathering that my aunt and uncle host?

Dear Pepper: A Vacation-Rental Room of One’s Own

I️ need my privacy. I️ need my space, and I️ need my solo time.

Dear Pepper: City Dog, Country Dog

Poppins was neurotic and trembly and often peed on the floor in a “please don’t hurt me” kind of way.

Dear Pepper: A House Divided

The unfairness is killing me.

Daily Cartoon: Monday, July 18th

Drastic times call for drastic measures.

Parenting Advice I Was Given and Didn’t Take

And some advice I can’t resist giving you (that will not be particularly useful to you).

Rebellion of the Speech Bubble!

The humble dialogue marker breaks out of its shell.

Dear Pepper: A Matter of Time

My question is not exactly “How do we strike a compromise?” The question is more “How do I get my husband to admit that he is late all the time?”

The Optimist and Friends

Is the glass half full or half empty? Why is it upside down?

Dear Pepper: Scheduling Slackers and Overachievers

What you need is to be a little more selfish and a little less aware.

Dear Pepper: Sweet Little Lies

I️ find lying to be an excellent and effective way to get what I️ need. But is there anything wrong with this?

Instead of a Dog, We Got Puck

A cartoonist adopts a pandemic pet—but who’s saving whom?